In a drag and drop tree I was wondering how to get the name of the
node being dropped and how to get the name of the node that it was
dropped into?  Here is what I have so far,
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="";>

<!-- Here is the HTTP Request -->
<mx:HTTPService id="xmlLoader"
url=""; resultFormat="e4x"
        result="xmlReturned(event)" />
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""; width="400"
height="300" left="20" top="10">

        import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
        private var xmlValue:XMLListCollection;
        private function xmlReturned(event:Event):void
                xmlValue = new XMLListCollection(new 
        public function DoThis():void
                trace('I was called');


<mx:Button click="xmlLoader.send()" label="get XML"/>
<mx:Tree dataProvider="{xmlValue}" y="100" labelField="@label"
width="300" showRoot="true"
        dragEnabled="true" dropEnabled="true" dragMoveEnabled="true"

I do not know what to put for the DoThis function.
Thanks for the help,

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