Oops. Where my speech recognition software wrote "teen reference", it should 
read "dereference".

----- Original Message ----
From: Sid Maskit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 7:50:07 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Array reference vs values

It has been a while since I worked in C++, but I am pretty sure that you are 
incorrect about references. If I remember correctly, C++ has a distinction 
between pointers and references where a pointer points at a specific memory 
address, but a reference is an alias for another variable, and that variable 
might or might not itself be a pointer. The actual value of a pointer is a 
memory address, but the value of a reference is the value of whatever variable 
it refers to. In order to get the value of the object at the memory address, 
one has to teen reference the pointer. These differences occur because pointers 
and references used different mechanisms.

Like most, maybe all, more recent languages, ActionScript has references, but 
not pointers.

A reference is simply an alias which gives one access to some object. It is 
sort of like a telephone connection to the object: i.e. you can use it to set 
or get the value of the object; but hanging up the phone only breaks the 
connection, it does not make the object go away. You never have access to 
memory addresses.

When an object has no references to it, it becomes eligible for garbage 
collection. There is no way to determine when an object will in fact be garbage 

Applying this to the system you are describing, things look like this. (For 
simplicity, I will only deal with one of your dates.)

var person:Person = new Person();

Assuming that you are not assigning default values in your class, at this point 
person.breakfast is null.
person.breakfast = new Date();

Now person.breakfast refers to the newly created date object: i.e. the date 
object now has one reference to it.

timeArr[1] = person.breakfast;

Now timeArr[1] refers to the same date object as does person.breakfast: i.e. 
the date object now has two references to it.

You could now access the date object by using either reference, and each of 
them would give you the same information, and the same ability to manipulate 
the date object.

However, setting a reference to null, or to a different object, is essentially 
hanging up the telephone, and dialing a new number. This will connect the 
variable you are using to that new object, but has no effect on other variables 
referring to the previous object.

timeArr[1] = null;

Now timeArr[1] no longer refers to anything, but person.breakfast continues to 
refer to the original date object.

Perhaps the key detail here is that what we have is to variables that refer to 
the same object, but those variables have no relationship with one another. 
This is one of the fundamental aspects of how object-oriented programming 
works. I would not say that one could not have a system where having two 
variables refer to the same object would put them into a relationship with one 
another, but only that that would be a very different system from the one we 

Having said that, I would say that you are going to need to have a way of 
directly accessing your person object if you want to set one or more of its 
properties to null.

----- Original Message ----
From: Darren Houle <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 6:55:33 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Array reference vs values

Yes, what you're describing is exactly what I described and is, in fact, what 
it happening... but to say I don't ever need to do this?  Well... yes... I need 
to do this... and it has nothing to do with the garbage collector.
Here, let me explain in another way....
I have a custom object... lets say it's a Person object.  It has various 
properties, but several are Date types.  These are all consecutive, like a 
workflow, and I want to be able to address them in order via an array... like 
var person : Person = new Person();
person.wakeup = new Date();
person.breakfast = new Date();
person.lunch = new Date();
person.dinner = null;
person.bedtime = null;
var timeArr : Array = new Array();
timeArr[0] = person.wakeup;
timeArr[1] = person.breakfast;
timeArr[2] = person.lunch;
timeArr[3] = person.dinner;
timeArr[4] = person.bedtime;
Then some other code figures out where we are in the flow of the day's events...
var status : int;
if (some criteria)
      {  event = 2;  }
But I determine lunch hasn't actually happened yet, so it shouldn't have a Date 
yet.  I need to blank out this value that was previously set in the Person 
if (some criteria)
     {  timeArr[event] = null;  }
But since these references don't seem to propogate backwards, nulling one of 
the array elements doesn't affect the original property.  That's the *whole 
purpose* of reference vs value... a reference is a pointer to memory space... 
so if I null that memory space it should affect all the vars pointing to that 
memory space.
Does that make more sense?


Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:30:29 +1000
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Array reference vs values

When you do this:

  var date:Date = new Date();

You're creating an instance of Date and a reference to it named "date".

When you do this:

  var ref:Date = arr[0] as Date;

You're creating another reference to the same instance, this time your 
reference is named "ref". So when you set ref = null, you're making "ref" point 
to nothing. "date" and "arr[0]" remain unchanged. You don't need to, nor can 
you remove the date instance created above. That's the job of the garbage 


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Darren Houle <[EMAIL PROTECTED] com> wrote:

This might be a basic AS question, but I encountered it building a
Flex app, so...

I create a Date

       var date:Date = new Date();

I create an Array

       var arr:Array = new Array();

I set the first element of the array equal to the date

       arr[0] = date;

I create another date variable that refers to the first array element

       var ref:Date = arr[0] as Date;

if I trace("date= "+date+", arr[0]="+arr[ 0]+", ref="+ref) I get

date=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45 GMT-0400 2008, arr[0]=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45
GMT-0400 2008, ref=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45 GMT-0400 2008

Now I null out the ref variable


Since AS uses references instead of values I would expect to null out
the original date, but no...

If I trace("date= "+date+", arr[0]="+arr[ 0]+", ref="+ref) I now get

date=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45 GMT-0400 2008, arr[0]=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45
GMT-0400 2008, ref=null

I thought everything was a reference in AS?  Shouldn't nulling ref
also null arr[0] which would null out date?

Ultimately.. . I have a custom object that has several fields each
containing a Date.  I create an array and make each element in the
array = each Date in the custom obj.  I need to be able to null an
array element and have it carry backwards into the object and null
out the original Date.  Any ideas?  Am I missing something really

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