I was just experimenting with using the 'for' loop to add them 
dynamically just to see how it's done. I'm pulling the number of 
colorpickers needed from an XML file, and I need them to run a 
function to color specific items from that XML file. 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Amy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Setting the id like that won't let you reference it later by ID.  
> Also, you're trying to use the MXML way of assigning event 
> in AS.  Try something like this
> private var cp:Array=new Array();
> for (i=0;i<5;i++){
>   ssPicker = new ColorPicker();
>   cp.push(ssPicker);
>   //you'll need to look at event.currentTarget to see which picker 
> is
>   ssPicker.addEventListener("open", yourFunction);
> }
> You may find that you're better off using a data source that a List 
> control is bound to for this.  When the color pickers change the 
> source, the descriptBoxes, which would be itemRenderers for some 
> other list based control, can automatically pick up the change.
> HTH;
> Amy

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