
I use LCDS 2.6 and JBoss 4.2.2, I start to work with these technologies
and have a problem with the data mapping between java and actionscript.

I will try to be as clear as possible to express my problem :

Server side, I use the java.util.Vector class and my design is

OBECT_A extends Vector<OBJECT_B>

OBJECT_B  /*this object has an attribute called anObjectDList  with the
type OBJECT_C*/

OBJECT_C extends Vector<OBJECT_D>


If from the client side I use the arraycollection type, this mean that
anObjectDList is not like an OBJECT_C type and the fill method fill an
object that is an ArrayCollection and not an OBJECT_A type. Then,
everything happened well, but I loose all my design. In fact the
OBJECT_A and OBJECT_B type are no more useful in the client side.

Then what I did is to extends the OBJECT_A et OBJECT_C to the
ArrayCollection. But now the problem occurs, I can see the content of
the Object_A and Object_B, but the Object_C is now empty. There is a
conversion error : conversion from mx.collections::ArrayCollection to
test.datamodel.OBJECT_C impossible

Does it mean that the mapping could not exist with object extended from
ArrayCollection ? DO we have to use strictly the ArrayCollection type, I
mean no inherited classes from this type ?

Thanks for your answer.

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