I'm not sure why you're using Base64Encoder/Base64Decoder here, tbh (perhaps 
you really need to send over the net as text at some point?).
Unless it's because you are using only a string for the insert statement?

You can insert binary data into a blob field in the AIR database directly, 
though you probably do have to use a different syntax for the query:

try using sqlStatement parameters instead of a concatenated string : e.g

var sql:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
sql.sqlConnection = someSqlConnectionInstance;

var sqlInsert:String = "INSERT INTO Person VALUES(:personName ,:personEmail 

sql.text = sqlInsert;

sql.attributes[":personName"] = person.name;
sql.attributes[":personEmail"] = person.email;
sql.attributes[":personImageData"] = person.image_As_ByteArray; // (however you 
get that).

(There are other good reasons for using sqlStatement parameters, but I'll leave 
for now).

I know you can store the image as a byteArray (perhaps encode a bitmapData with 
JPEGEncoder or PNGEncoder ?) and read that back out, I'm guessing that it would 
also take a BitmapData (though you would get no compression with that. It may 
be easier to stuff it back into an image component, however).

If storing as a byteArray of a PNG or JPEG image rather than a bitmapData (*if* 
storing a BitmapData is possible, that is) then you may need to extract the 
image from that byteArray using Loader .
(I'm unsure as to whether the Image component accepts an encoded byteArray as 
content in flex3, I know it did not in flex2)

Apologies if any of the above is incorrect, it's from memory and from about a 
year ago at that.

I'd take it all back to the very simplest test project if I were you, and just 
test the simplest thing that will/won't work before taking it further.
I found all the image storage / display stuff a bit of a struggle initially, 
that approach helped me a lot (together with reading the docs in depth!).

-----Original Message-----
From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of sudha_bsb
Sent: Mon 21/07/2008 20:55
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] air sqlite image loading

I am trying to store an image into Sqlite database from an air
application and also trying to display the image by reading data from
the database. I am using blob datatype for this. I am getting the
following error while doing it...

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is
an unknown type.

This is what i am doing while loading the image from
database...resultData is the array result from database

                            var imgData:String = resultData[i].image;
                            var decoder:Base64Decoder = new
                            var byteArr:ByteArray = decoder.toByteArray();
                            var img:Image = new Image();
                            obj.image = img

Similary while inserting the data...

var byteArr:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                var encoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
                var encoded:String = encoder.toString()
                trace('encoder string'+encoded);
                var sqlInsert:String = "insert into Person
Please help....

Thanks & Regards,

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