I was returning type "query" from my remote object but needed to add in
some other processed data along with the query so I changed the type to
"struct".  I am processing the data into a singleton class to track the
user's login.  Previously I had the following line to set the data in
the singleton:


GlobalVars.instance.acUser.source =


Which worked great and tripped the event in the singleton to process the


Now I'm trying to process the struct instead of the query so I changed
the line to:


GlobalVars.instance.acUser.source = Object(event.result).source;


That line doesn't seem to set the variables within the
event.result.source to the singleton class (nor does the change variable
event fire which is a pretty good indication that it's not working).


I assumed coldfusion structs are type object in flex but I must be
mistaken.  Do any of you know what I am doing wrong?




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