Hello all,
I was going through some tutorials on Flex 3 just recently, that
I found on Flex that were available on the Flex start screen when you
start the application. The tutorial on creating a Flickr application
was pretty interesting and rather simple to do. That is described
I think there is a mp3 player that is described on the pages on adobe
to which one is taken when from Flex when you click on the tutorial
So, I thought I'd see if anyone could recommend some places
where I could find examples, and presentations of things created with
Flex... something to inspire one with ideas as to what can be done
with Flex?
In particular, I had a few ideas in mind... some things that I
would bet some people have done with Flex and this could serve as a
starting point for custom apps that I might be able to use. Some
ideas of things that I'd like to find, an interactive calendar
application, audio/video player, RSS feed reader, A Forum/Bulletin
board application.

I suppose the example Flickr application described here:
could be modified to display only specific images from a specific
account on Flickr.


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