Estou tendo problemas em usar flexlib com Module, quando eu coloco
como application ele funciona normalmente, mas com module da o
seguinte erro:
     [exec] ...\Cadastro.mxml(50): Error: Could not resolve
<flexlib:PromptingTextInput> to a component implementation.
     [exec] <flexlib:PromptingTextInput x="40" y="23" width="100"
id="txtCPFConsulta" prompt="CPF"/>
     [exec] ..\Cadastro.mxml(50): Error: Could not resolve
<flexlib:PromptingTextInput> to a component implementation.
     [exec] <flexlib:PromptingTextInput x="189" y="23" width="354"
id="txtNomeConsulta" prompt="Nome"/>

Parte do código do programa abaixo:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:mx="";
percentWidth="100" percentHeight="100" xmlns:flexlib="http://">

<mx:Accordion id="acordPrincipal" width="710" height="438"

        <mx:Canvas label="Consultar" width="100%" height="100%">
                <mx:Canvas x="10" y="10" width="688" height="60"
id="cnvCriterioConsulta" borderStyle="solid" cornerRadius="5">
                        <mx:Label x="0" y="0" text="Critério de Consulta"/>
                        <mx:Label x="10" y="26" text="CPF:"/>
                        <flexlib:PromptingTextInput x="40" y="23" width="100"
id="txtCPFConsulta" prompt="CPF"/>
                        <mx:Label x="148" y="25" text="Nome:"/>
                        <flexlib:PromptingTextInput x="189" y="23" width="354"
id="txtNomeConsulta" prompt="Nome"/>


Programa que compila os modules:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<project name="cadastramento-funcional" default="compile">
        <property  name="compiler.path" location="C:/Arquivos de programas/
Adobe/Flex Builder 2 Plug-in/Flex SDK 2/bin/mxmlc.exe"/>

<target name="compile">
        <exec executable="${compiler.path}" dir="." failonerror="false"
CadastramentoFuncional.mxml -output bin/CadastramentoFuncional.swf" />
        <exec executable="${compiler.path}" dir="." failonerror="false"
Cadastro.mxml -output bin/Cadastro.swf" />


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