
Estava olhando um projeto para Air e existe este método:

import flash.filesystem.File;
import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
import flash.filesystem.FileStream;

private var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
private var f:File;

public function createFile(pFile:File, pWidth:int, pHeight:int,
pFramesPerSecond:Number, pDurationInSeconds:Number=0):void

                                pFile: The file which will be created and 
written to
                                pWidth: Video height
                                pWidth: Video width
                                pFramesPerSecond: Determines framerate of 
created video
                                pDurationInSeconds: Duration of video file to 
be created. Used for
metadata only. Optional.

                        frameWidth = pWidth;
                        frameHeight = pHeight;
                        frameRate = pFramesPerSecond;
                        duration = pDurationInSeconds;

                        f = pFile;
                        fs.openAsync(f, FileMode.WRITE);

                        // create header
                        fs.writeBytes( header() );

                        // create metadata tag
                        fs.writeUnsignedInt( previousTagSize );
                        fs.writeBytes( flvTagOnMetaData() );

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