With Dayton behind me I took a few minutes on the airplane to play with my ShuttlePro and found some very interesting features I hadn’t expected. While reading the ShuttlePro manual pdf I downloaded from the Contour Design website (http://contourdesign.com/shuttlepro/shuttle_downloads.htm#win will get you close) I discovered that rotating the SP’s spring-loaded outer knob right or left scrolled the pdf page up/down, and the “southeast” key pair zoomed the page in/out. I made a slight mod to the Acrobat reader settings in the SP setup which also let me scroll using the jog (dimpled) dial which I like even better. Similarly, as I was typing this message in Outlook I found navigational functions already imbedded in the SP settings. Same with PowerPoint.


I was also trying to figure out how to multi-purpose certain controls or buttons on the SP controller and there’s a way to do that as well. A little hard to describe here, but it’s in the manual and very easy to set up. I’ll be glad to share it with anyone who can’t find it, but look for the instructions on “Switch Settings”, I think, in their pdf. Pretty funky little invention this ShuttlePro!


Dayton was exhausting and fun. Thanks in no small part to the infectious enthusiasm and passion of all you guys in the FlexRadio community, the SDR train has definitely left the station.




Gary W5ZL


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