In an effort to collect ideas on this subject in one place and keep an active list, a forum topic has been posted at the following url:

Please post additions to this list along with comments there. Thanks.


Gary Schmidt W5ZL wrote:

When I started out to program the first ShuttlePro controller to work with my SDR there were only a few keystroke commands already visible in the console keyboard setup tab, so all I was able to program in was VFO functionality and AF Gain up and down. Eric has already started adding in others (RIT/XIT, band change, mode change, etc.).

Now we need to compile a comprehensive list of potentially desirable functions that could be programmed into an outboard controller. Here’s mine. Please add your ideas and we’ll get this going.


Gary W5ZL

    * RIT Zero
    * CW keying speed up and down
    * Play CW memory 1, 2, etc.
    * Play digital voice keyer memory 1, 2, etc.
    * Select transmit audio EQ setting 1, 2, etc. (when application is
      expanded to allow for multiple saved audio personalities)
    * AGC mode up/down
    * Quick Save, Quick Recall
    * Variable audio filter wider, narrower
    * Toggle Split on/off
    * Toggle Dual Watch on/off (only active when Split active)
    * Toggle VFOs A/B
    * IF shift left/right
    * IF Shift zero (centered)


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