Good Afternoon all,
The "SoftRock40"  40 meter SDR receiver kit is coming along fairly quickly.  The boards and parts are on order and have been shipped as of this date.  The first two units will be built and tested by Bill, KD5TFD and myself.  The remaining 14 kits will be shipped fairly quickly.
Each kit will provide the board and all the parts on the board as well as a three foot long 1/8 inch stereo audio cable, (plug on one end for connection to line-in), and a 4 foot length of RG174U coax for the antenna connection to the radio.  The bill of materials is posted in my folder on the Friends web site.
Bill and I will report on the performance of the little radio and state any problems we fine in the debug.
----- Original Message -----
From: ecellison
Sent: Sunday, June 19, 2005 10:23 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] The Amazing SoftRock-40 Receiver by Tony - KB9YIG



Tony has done it again. He has produced a mini 40 meter receiver which plugs into a USB port for 5 volt power, Connect line in on a sound card and to an antenna and you are off and tuning!. It is just slightly larger than a usb thumb drive. The tuning range of the unit with the Crystal supplied on the first kits is 7.030 to 7.078 mhz. The design has been proven in Tony's 40 meter QRP Sampler which is still in Alpha Test phase.


The cost of this first Soft Rock 40 kit is $29 which includes postage. 16 boards will be produced in this alpha set with a complete kit of parts. That is the good news. The bad news is that after the Teamspeak crows got at the first announcement of availability there are only 4 left.


I will take the first 4 E-mails as the first come first served to get one of these alpha boards. I will add any succeeding request messages to a queue for a second go around. We are already at Tony for some "Feature Creep".


THIS is a KIT and has some tricky SMT parts. Be aware!


Here is the schematic and board layout and sizing.












Tony you make all our lives more enjoyable!



Eric - AA4SW


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