Hi Folks,
This is my first post, (The email reflector is a great addition by the way) I have been trying to follow along, but alot of what is discussed on here is way over my head. I was initially going to wait for the official release of the new software because I am barely a competant operator of an SDR-1000, let alone a beta tester. Although I am pretty good with a traditional radio (with knobs) a paddle and a notepad. But my enthusiasm for the new keyer got the best of me and now I am waist deep in it! / /I downloaded the new beta release and immediately noticed improved audio, however I could not get the keyer to work. Then I read one of Bob's posts and tried to adjust the buffer sizes. It crashes every time if I try to adjust a buffer size on the fly, for me at least it is not an intermittant thing. I get a fatal error message from windows. But I finally got it through my head that I could adjust them if I did it with it in standby mode. I downloaded the 2.6 version of asio4all and with Bob's recommeded buffer sizes the keyer seems to work and work well. (Great job guys!!) I haven't given it a vigorous workout yet, but its real close. But, (theres always a butt!) now my receive audio is distorted, instead of a tone a cw signal now sounds like a buzz. I had noticed a similar sound when I got too aggressive with the noise blanker threshold levels on earlier versions. Does this have something to do with the new compander maybe? I think it might be my set up because I haven't seen any one else report something like this. One other thing, I have been experiencing meter anomalies on all the beta versions since the last official release. When in sideband my average power reads between 25 and 40 watts on peaks which is about what you would expect with the transmitter set for 100w, however the peak power meter reads 4 watts max. It seemed to work ok on 1.2 RC2. I sure am having fun with this, I could sure use a short summary of how all this is related (buffer sizes, latency, dsp settings) I dont have time to read a textbook, but if there was a couple of pages that explained the inter-relation of all these settings in laymans terms. I am a pretty good rf guy, But I know diddly about digital signal processing. I sure could be a more effective beta tester ( if it can be broken, I will break it) and operator. I hope I am making sense. Sorry for the long post.

Thanks again for all the hard work,


Robert McGwier wrote:

Darn it. The mailer stripped my screen captures. I sent them to Ken. Hopefully,
he can get them onto Friends.


Robert McGwier wrote:

I am listening to Don Imus and using tiny dsp and small audio buffers. Here are captures of my setup while I am listening right now. It is using 256 DMA
buffers from D44.  Your DMA buffers must be smaller than or equal to the
smallest AUDIO (3rd panel down) or portaudio will not do the right thing. Not I am using 64 sample filters. I am spinning the DSP four times for each delivered audio buffer (2nd panel, DSP set to 64, 3rd pane, Audio set to 256).

I ran the console on my Laptop using the Soundmax (PCI) and the Audigy 2 ZS, both using ASIO4ALL 2.6, released April 11 (it seems very solid). From the notices, it seems they fixed many significant issues that crept into 2.2 up to 2.5.

Good luck with your setup.


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