Hi Bob

Tks for your prompt reply.
1 - Concerning ZZMD, things are prefectly clear.
2 - NB : using the CAT command tester, NB not engaged. I send the command NB; the response is NB0; I was expecting NB1; Same remark with ZZBI.: reads the Binaural status. Not engaged, ZZBS; returns ZZBS0;

73 - José

Bob Tracy a écrit :

Hi Jose,

With regard to ZZMD, I'm afraid the documentation got ahead of the code.
The next release will have a selection for SDR-1000 (along with several
Kenwood types) on the CAT Control tab in Setup.  If you select SDR-1000
(which is an internal ID code of 900) ZZMD will respond with 0 to B (hex)
for the modes.  Selecting a Kenwood type will result in codes fro 0 - 9.
The Kenwood code for LSB is 1, the SDR-1000 code for LSB is 0.  The Kenwood
codes were retained to maintain compatiblity with programs like DXLand and
HRD until they can be modified to accept the whole range of SDR-1000 modes.

I'm not sure about your comments on NB, PR, and ZZBI.  The are all
associated with control buttons on the console and all respond with a 0 for
off and a 1 for on.  It works the same way when you send them as a control
code, NB1; turns Noise Blanker 1 on, NB0; turns it off.

Thanks for the feedback.



-----Original Message-----
From: José Dumoulin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 12:13 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: CAT commands

Hi Bob (K5KDN)

I am somewhat confused by the values returned by some CAT commands :
ZZMD returns 1 for LSB while the doc says 0.....etc...
Status returned by NB, PR, ZZBI seems inverted.

73 - José F5JD

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