
We have ups and downs as we juggle competing computer motherboard types (differing real time clocks). We had to back off on the resolution to allow support for these slower clocks. In an upcoming release, there will be a test and your keyer resolution will be set to the highest value your computer can support.

The keyboard encoder is already in the code but it has not been hooked to the console (and told it can take over the audio production). That will be forthcoming. We know there are several things that need to be made more robust. We are settling on a feature set and release a stable release, 1.4.0 where we will concentrate primarily on bug fixes and cleanup until we decide on the architecture for 1.5.X. I do not expect the keyboard stuff to be in the code until 1.5.X


Mel Whitten wrote:

I would like to report that the "New Keyer" works very well, smooth with no first element clipping! Great. Last night the Russians and Europeans were calling me like I was some rare DX station.. they must have liked the sweet music from this keyer! I am looking forward to using the internal keyboard -with- semi-break-in operation. Will we be seeing this available in a future release? In the meanwhile, is anyone using a program called "CW TYPE" for keyboard use? Mel, K0PFX 1.3.14 release
Audio 2048   DSP 1024 (defaults)
Delta 44 sound card DMA 512 Dell PC 2.8ghz (for SDR use only)
USB interface/100 w amp/tuner

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