Robert - I would be happy without the keyer if I could get reliable keying using an external key without having to click on the "send" box before and after each transmission. Could that be provided in the interim? I am asking because I use MixW via my hardware serial port to key my keyer which keys the SDR.

John Denson, AI6A

----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert McGwier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 11, 2005 1:52 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Clocks, Ring buffers, burps and whistles, etc.

In 1.4.1, the new keyer will be disabled. For many of you it is working perfectly. For those of you with an ACPI 1.0 motherboard, your real time clock will not support what we needed to get the keyer to work reliably. With the ACPI 1.0 so called hiperformance frequency is 3.5 Mhz and you would've though this was adequate. It is not. We have several who are generating little bursts of white noise and why is clear. We then protect against that happening and the clock jitter and element spacing goes all over the map on these ACPI 1.0 mobos. We need a more careful analysis than we have given this and get reliable tests, etc. We can't allow you to generate white noise at full power on the air. The old keyer will be back in charge temporarily.

Frank wrote this keyer to run as a separate process entirely. We were trying to bend it into a thread rather than a process unadulterated by all that was going on around it. The primary difficulty was in dealing with MOX and attempting to handle delays with minimum latency and and insert an asynchronous thread's ring buffer in place our another threads ring buffer and it is just all too fragile the way it is written.

Fear not, it will return after a clearer picture emerges.

For those with a compiler, you can enable it but do not expect it to be reliable as we are in the middle of serious debugging.


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