I used Phil's AGC code in the VB radio and found it very smooth and restful
to listen to, especially over a period of hours. I was able to switch back
and forth for comparison with the standard system and Phil's was definitely
a winner.

I also used a two detector system back in the 70's, when the Plessey SL600
series of I.C.s were developed for the Army. Short signal bursts did not
cause any appreciable 'hole of silence' in reception as the short time
constant detector quickly recovered like Phil says. Unfortunately,
Plessey's AGC chip sometimes didn't react quick enough, causing the first
syllable of a strong signal to be distorted. We've no excuse, though, being
able to both look back and forwards in time.

So I like the idea -  with one 'but' - that any new code didn't cost too
much in terms of cpu time.

The 'knee / IF gain control' might be best on the front panel. Most of the
other controls could be in the setup screen.

Regards, Bob G4BBY

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