a few suggestions for Teamspeak topics

o   For Sale night - any ham radio related gear

o   Programming for Dummies using SharpDSP (free compiler)

o Flex tutorial on how it is that a Pentium IV has enough horsepower to perform all the DSP arithmetic when an Orion from Ten-Tec has two very fast dedicated DSP chips and the IC-7800 has four.

o Flex tutorial on how it is that the Just-in-time optimizer in Microsoft C# does such a fantastic job.

o Bob Chowdry from England introduction to PYTHON and how it fits with the PowerSDR code in Linux.

o   Introduction to Linux O/S

o   How to optimize your SDR-1000 setup for CW.
o   How to optimize your SDR-1000 setup for SSB.
o   How to optimize your SDR-1000 setup for RTTY
o   How to optimize your SDR-1000 setup for PSK31
o   How to optimize your SDR-1000 setup for Transverter use.

o Flex explain more about the architectural changes coming in 1.5.x (decoupling the console)

o Beginners night - any SDR-1000 new owners and those wanting to ask really basic questions without fear of being ridiculed.

o Bring your kid to Teamspeak night. Bring some 9-14 yr old kid to speak with other kids about Ham radio.

o Phil VK6APH tutorial on his AGC document (again) with comparisons to the Orion or other high end gear.

o Phil N8VB tutorial on his dedicated "DSP co-processor" design and new architecture.

o   Phil N8VB tutorial on his TCP/IP bridge.

o Bob K5KDN tutorial on the new CAT commands and what's next.

o Simon HB9--- introduction to Ham Radio Deluxe and how it will mesh with the SDR-1000.

o Rick VE3MM explanation about how he uses Oscilloscopes as diagnostic tools in his experimentation.

o Terry W0VB discussion about how he presents the SDR-1000 to groups.

o Terry W9VB discussion about the new remote shack operation and his new antenna farm.

o John (TAPR Pres) introduction to how he will use SDR in various TAPR projects.

o Bob N4HY to explain his new xponder experiments and how SDR fits into satellite communications in the future.

o Frank AB2KT tutorial on DttSP and how it might evolve in the future.

o HRO and AES principles to discuss what is happening in the Ham Radio sales business. What are the directions things are going? any speculation about the YaeComWood rigs in the future?

o What *was* your favorite rig in the shack BEFORE you bought your SDR-1000? (FT1000D, IC-7800, OrionI/II, FTdx9000, TS-830...). Please compare/contrast/explain.

o Tony KB9YIG tutorial on the SoftRock-40 and it's future variants.

o   Bill KD5TFD to explain Bill KD5TFD (hihihi)

o Is there life in Ham Radio after the code requirement goes away?

o   What you can do to get through the Solar Minimum.

o Flex says they sold over 500 SDR-1000's. Why are there the same 40 guys on Teamspeak? How can we bring more of the owners into the conversation?

o Flex says they sold over 500 SDR-1000's. How can we bring more of those guys into the open source development of the Console?

o Pass "net control" around to more guys who will have different styles and liven up the mix?

BK de Ken N9VV

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