Title: PC Specifications for SDR-1000

My apologies for missing your earlier message.  Obviously the faster the CPU, the better for real time audio applications.  I am currently developing on a Celeron 2.4GHz with 512MB of ram and integrated video.  My home machine is built more for PC gaming, and therefore has a bit more graphics horsepower (ATI 9800, 1GB ram).  Clearly both of these are way above the minimum 800MHz machine as specified on our specs webpage.  I would recommend a P4 w/800MHz FSB if you plan to do high speed CW.  The faster “real-time” timer on the motherboard can improve the timing on speeds surpassing 35 WPM.


There has been no testing that I am aware of on 64 bit operating systems to date.  For this reason, I can’t do much more than make a general statement that I believe a 64-bit version of the PowerSDR is possible and will come to fruition with or without FlexRadio’s help thanks to the GPL nature of our software.


Eric Wachsmann

FlexRadio Systems


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 11:32 PM
To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] PC Specifications for SDR-1000


To all,

I am starting to put together a PC system for use with a SDR-1000 and PowerSDR I am planning to get in the near future and had a couple of questions.

What performance metric is most desirable in a CPU / motherboard combination?  I want to make sure I get a system that will meet current and future performance needs.  I have not done a lot of research on the DLLs or libraries used, so I was hoping to get some insight from those that know a lot more about the internal operation of PowerSDR than I.

Specifically, what is most to least important of the following items (a ranking of sort):

Floating point performance

Integer operation

Memory performance

Multi-tasking performance

CPU cache

Graphics performance


In addition to processor / motherboard metrics, has anyone used Windows XP Professional x64 with PowerSDR.  If so how did the WOW64 emulation handle PowerSDR and is there any advantage to using a 64-bit OS. 

Will PowerSDR be compiled to be a 64-bit app in the future?

Also, are there any known compatibility issues with AMD processors?

In advance, thanks for the information.

73 de W4TME




Tim Ellison

Integrated Technical Services

Apex, NC USA

919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)

919.215.6375 - cell

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