
Your original message did not go to FlexRadio mail group because you have a period at the end of the email address. Please correct this in your address book. I include your entire message for completeness since you intended sending it to the entire group.

I could not agree with you more though you appear to be looking for disagreement. We have none.

Please go to the completely free and open download page on Download and install the software. This is not demo software, this is the real deal. Download the wave files. These are NOT wave files of the output. These are wave files of the IF. You may run the wave files of the IF through the software even though you have no hardware at all. These files are raw capture of the IF from the hardware through the sound card system.

You can do the comparison on your own machine. Should the limited number of files there be insufficient to your needs, you may go the "Flex Friends" ftp site and download many hundreds of Megabytes of IF recordings to play through the software.

You will be able to "tune" using the software IF mixer through 48 Khz of captured IF to listen to the results for yourself.

One thing is clear to me, people who HAVE heard this, know how sweet it sounds. Try downloading the CW contests files and run the filter at (say) 50 Hz where you can copy a weak signal on the noise floor right next to a guy that is 30 dB over S9 and not hear a single peep of the loud station.

Like Seven Up used to say, try getting that out of a cola nut!


Mark Tyler wrote:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 11:20 AM
Subject: K2 has ONLY 80dB of third order dynamic range vs SDR-1000 98dB
In a message dated 9/10/2005 11:25:53 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

Do you have some sound files that show what kind of difference that makes, and 
under what conditions?

So many people base decisions on "specs", with no idea what kind of difference those specifications mean in real world performance. Hearing is believing. I for one would like to hear more evidence that goes beyond the numbers, such as is being presented for the NorCal 2030.

Hopefully there are those on this -superlist- who are equipped and inclined to share that kind of  
"evidence" as it pertains to the various "specs" that are bandied about...

Bill K3UJ
FlexRadio mailing list

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