Philip Covington wrote:

...a big update to jDttSP
along with a GUI very soon on Linux.  I think it is a collaboration
between Bob Cowdery, Bob McGwier, and Frank Brickle so I am sure one
of them can tell you more.

That's right. Now that we're past the official fork between the Linux and Windows versions, the complete Linux environment is crystallizing fast. Bob G3UKB has done heroic work in building the console and remoted control environment. The debugging is mostly a question of ironing out version inconsistencies between various supporting software chunks.

The main outstanding question right now is how to provide a complete system for the early adopters that won't have them tearing their hair out over massive installation requirements and dependency problems. This is a non-trivial issue and difficult to solve without forcing everybody to the same Linux distro, release, and supplementary libraries. Nothing conclusive yet.

N4HY and I are down for the count right now with AMSAT and other commitments, but we will be concentrating on the Linux release again during the coming week.


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