

I just received my SDR1000 today and have already had quite a fun time with it. 


While setting it up I did find a couple of things that may interest the group.  When I did the step where you measure the output voltage at the ‘to line out’ to set up the TX voltage level I got zero.  The tone is being routed to Out 1 and 2 of the Delta 44 instead of 3 and 4.  Turn down the volume when you try this!


The other thing I found is related to the manual.  I have access to a very nice spectrum analyzer so I decided to do the TX image null.  The manual says to use SSB because its ‘symmetric’, should read ‘non-symmetric’.  More importantly the tx null procedure is incorrect in this case (SSB).  The SDR1000 has a zero Hz ‘IF’ in SSB mode, therefore its image is the opposite sideband, not 20 KHz away.  With a single audio tone, say 600 Hz you want to null the other sideband 1200 Hz away. Maybe this could be stated more clearly in the next manual revision.  


I was able to get over 70db adjacent sideband rejection, but when you change modes from say LSB to USB it dropped to about -50db.  I went back and forth and got them both down to -56db.





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