The CAT comm port code should work with a physical port, at least it did at one point. Has been a while since I've run it in that mode.

Do the SteppIR docs on using a CAT controlled radio say anything about flow control settings? I don't recall what flowcontrol we set on the port when we open it, I do see that we don't provide a way to set it (argh).

The error you sent me in a private email makes it look a little like we failed to open the comm port - it seems we're attempting to close an already closed port and I know I've seen the code get into that error path when we failed on the initial open of the port. Is there any chance there's another program using COM1 -- maybe a PDA sync program or some such. Also check that the CW keyer is not set to use COM1.

Next step is for you to download and install Portmon from and trace the failing scenario and send me the resulting trace file. That should give me some idea what is going in.


Bill  (kd5tfd)

At 02:05 PM 10/24/2005, Bob Tracy wrote:

Bill (KD5TFD) knows more about the serial port code than I do, maybe he will
chime in with a real answer about whether or not it can be used in real
mode.  I have no means of testing it other than with my SDR-1000.  Looking
at the code, I can't see any reason for it not to work in real mode.

Meanwhile, the CAT tester does not interface with the serial port, it
interacts with the console software directly so it is no indication that the
port is working.  Secondly, you might try changing your ID selection on the
CAT tab to something other than "SDR-1000".  I suspect the StepIR software
doesn't know anything about an SDR-1000.  Try one of the Kenwood models.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Tom Thompson
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 11:15 AM
To: Flex Radio
Subject: [Flexradio] CAT Control

I want to have my SteppIR follow the frequency changes on my SDR-1000.
The SteppIR sends an IF; command in the Kenwood command set every
second.  I have configured the CAT Control for COM 1, 4800 baud, no
parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.  The ID is TS-2000 and the IF;
command produces the correct response in the test mode.  Hyperterminal
is seeing the IF; command from the SteppIR box, but there is no response
from the SDR when I enable it.  Are the COM ports on the CAT Control
real or just virtual.?  If just virtual, what do I do to get the CAT
Control to connect to the real COM 1?

Thanks,    Tom   W0IVJ

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