> I'd like to second Eric's observations. We had a truly wonderful time down
> in Belize and worked our way admirably through a number of technical
> jambs,
> some of our own doing. In fact we got pretty adept at sorting through
> Murphy's little gremlins as they got tossed our way, and even developed
> something of a rhythm for dealing with them without losing a lot of time
> in
> the contest. I think we ended up with something over 3 million points.
> That
> won't win anything, but it wasn't chopped liver, either.

And I would like to "third" it.

We did have some problems and not a few of our own making.

We also ran into some things we'd all been living with, but which turned
out to be bigger headaches when tired operators at 2AM were operating in
an unfamiliar location under the hothouse conditions of a contest.

Especially we got into the second day, however, we did seem to hit our
stride, the problems seemed to fade out and the runs correspondingly built
up stronger than ever.  We were able to make some number of Qs on 160, 80,
40, 20, 15, and 10.

And, I never got fatigued from listening to the radio.  I did several four
to six hour shifts, too.

I don't know if it really was two hours, as Eric had it, but I will
certainly never forget working every Japanese station imaginable on 40
meters in the middle of the night right down to where no one was left. 
And, with the SDR listening, you can bet your bottom dollar there really
_was_ no one left.

Larry  WO0Z  V31LL

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