A Suggestion for improving the usefulness of the SDR-1000's AGC system

I wonder how many other SDR users are bothered by the way the Signal Strength meter operates. For example, the S-meter does not reflect the rate of agc decay or agc hang time as it should. If the AGC delay or AGC Hang time were set to a long duration like 1 sec., the meter should reflect the slow release time - and currently it does not. This has nothing to do with the 'Multimeter - Analog Peak Hold (ms)' or the 'Refresh Rates - Meter Delay (ms)' in the Display Setup menu.

In addition, we have no front panel control that acts like an RF gain control. If the Max. Gain (dB) control was put on the Front panel and labeled 'RF Gain', I think it would serve this purpose, because it is changing the AGC Threshold - just like our analog rig's RF Gain behaved.

Furthermore, the Signal strengh meter should INDICATE where that threshold is acting. For example, if the old MaxGain control is set to some high value like 70dB, the AGC threshold is down around the noise floor. The noise floor (eg., -120dBm, is now as loud as an -70dBm signal in the speaker. On the other hand, if the old Max Gain were set 50dB lower, now the AGC threshold is about -70dBm. Signals below that level get no AGC, only signals above that level. Sort of like setting the RF Gain on my TS-870 up to S9. Perhaps a vertical red line at the S9 point of the SDR's S-meter could indicate where the AGC threshold is set.

 In conclusion, I'm suggesting 3 improvements to the SDR:
  1. the S-meter should reflect the rate of agc decay or agc hang time.
2. a front panel RF Gain control, the changes the point at which AGC action takes place. 3. an indicator on the S-meter which clearly marks that AGC threshold point- on the scale.

Finally, I think Phil Harman's very flexible Hang AGC design is excellent and that should be completely implemented ASAP! Also, let us have an ANALOG meter on the SDR console, we were shown back in July .

  From an actve, HF user of the SDR-1000 who enjoys using this rig!

 73, Alan Davis   -K2WS-

Finally, I think Phil Harman's very flexible Hang AGC design is excellent and that should be completely implemented ASAP!

  From an actve, HF user of the SDR-1000...

 73, Alan Davis   -K2WS-

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