Hi Eric,
I strongly agree!!

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

ecellison escribió:

Mike and Ignacio (anyone else)

I have not followed this thread, in its' entirety. I have a number of times
commented about MSAccess database as used in the PowerSDR over the last 1.5
years. (Backups etc). I consider myself a fairly proficient Access
programmer. (Ego?) In the future when the radio and console are separated,
it would be fun to write the whole console in Access! (smile) I have been
tempted to try it, but there are so many fun things to do with this radio!
Like going to Belize! I'm pretty good at the 'tune up' also. 15 minutes
before the contest started: With a XG-2 and 100 watt dummy load and WWV I
swapped 2 radios and tuned them to the existing database!

I hope that the 'database' as Flex is using it is translated into XML or
some other form for storing the variables in the radio..... or ..... it is
externally addressed in a multi-user environment so users and the radio can
change Constants (dangerous).
Barring that I think that Flex has only given a 'lick and a prayer' to the
memory functions of the radio. That whole section of memory, scan, etc on
the front of the console is (IMHO) pretty much a POC. It is my opinion that
the Memory section of the radio should be externally addressed in MDB
format. A simple 'internal' interface could be developed with an option to
address an external MDB. Working closely with Flex, the Access programmers
amongst us could develop a wonderful tightly integrated database to allow
virtually any frequency change, scan database, capable of importing other
frequency data! (this inspired by some of the wonderful features of N1MM

Eric - AA4SW

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