
Please try to set the VAC buffer size to 512 samples per buffer. That seems to be the one size fits all buffer size.



Bob, I realized that I still had some cabling from the D44 going to my Audigy 2ZS card. I unplugged the connections. The SDR still goes directly into TX only if I have CW mode selected. With RTTY or PSK the software responds to TX and RX commands. However, with RTTY and PSK I hear a pulsing when the rig is in TX the pulsing seems to change with the setting of the buffer size that I select on the PowerSDR VAC tab. Now I am really confused as to what is going on. I have the rig set to 2 watts output for testing purposes. Any assistance would be appreciated.. Regards, Serge

*/Robert McGwier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:


    Glad to see you are a SDR user. You are correct. The second sound
    can be used for other things. I have used VAC, PowerSDR, MixW and had
    TeamSpeak on the second sound card or
    Skype on the second sound card. It works well.



    > Hello everyone!
    > Having finally managed to get my SDR working on CW (well, operator

    > error and a bad commercial stereo cable!!!) I am now ready to
    move on
    > to purcahsing the VAC. I do have one question however.
    > If my understanding is correct from what I have read on this
    list, by
    > using the VAC software, I will no longer require my second sound
    > (Audigy 2ZS) for digital modes. If this is correct, then I
    assume that
    > I can use this sound card for other applications including the
    > Teamspeak Forum. It seems a shame to have a 3 GHz machine sitting
    > there only using between 7 and 12 % of its processing power (for
    > SDR and surfing) and running Teamspeak from a laptop.
    > Regards,
    > Serge
    > VA3SB
    >FlexRadio mailing list

-- Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity. Guilty as

Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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