This may not be related at all to your problem, but I've experienced pulsing in SSB mode - turned out it was related to an improperly wired mic.  One clue was that there was no pulsing if I pressed the MOX button on the display, but pulsing occured if I used the mic's PTT button.
Does this problem *always* happen?  If you key with MOX, does it go away?
- Jeff, WA6AHL
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] PowerSDR Ver 1.4.5.P5 - Strange TX pulsing

Hello to the list. I hope someone can shed some light on a problem that I am experiencing.  The setup here is a Pentium 4 3GHz - 512 BM - Delta 44 , VAC and VCOM. I am using MixW for my digital modes.
I am finding that while I am able to control the MixW software and decode digital transmissions, I seem to experience a pulsing action (approx 1 sec intervals) on the transmitted signal. On PSK or RTTY you can also clearly notice the pulsing action on the panadapter display of the PowerSDR console.
I thought that this problem could be related to the VAC settings. I adjusted the buffer size in the SDR VAC setup from 512 - 2048. With the lower setting the pulsing (still occurs but not as frequent) however it is much more pronounced (almost seems stronger as well) when I have the buffer set to the 2048 setting.
I thought that perhaps I had a SWR problem with the antenna so I tested the SDR with a dummy load and experienced the same problem. I have monitored my signals on another receiver and am able to hear the pulsing action.
Any help/guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance.


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