Hello Flexers,

I did a freq cal four days ago and have checked it 
everyday since.  Here is what I see on my SDR, -1Hz to +2Hz.

I'm using the 1 Watt SDR and I leave it and the PC powered on 
at all times.

I cal by setting the mode to AM and the filter to 25Hz using the
Spectrum display this yields five displayed data points or a 
resolution of ~13Hz.  Since the display uses a 'connect the dots
approach' you get a linear interpolation.  Adjust the clock offset
while centering the peak and getting equal amplitude at the one
above(+13Hz) display point and on the one below(-13Hz) data point.

Caution!  When I first did this, I cycled through the various WWV
freq's and it appeared 20MHz was off by 6Hz.  What I discovered is
that the Filter BW has to be the same for each frequency.  It 
appears that when switching BW to 50Hz and maybe 500Hz it shifts
the center freq by -6.3Hz.  Maybe there's a quick fix for this?
Comments? You can easily observe this by looking at a CW signal 
and changing the BWs.

Also a comment about the Rubidium, Cesium and Crystal oscillators.
Oscillators are characterized by short term(phase noise) and long 
term(drift) freq stability. The phase noise it what concerns us 
most when it comes to receiving.  We want it low enough so that it 
doesn't swamp weak signals. Ideally it should be >10db below the
noise floor of the receiver so as to not reduce sensitivity and
hence dynamic range.  It is the 'Q' of the resonant component(s) 
that determine the phase noise.  The quartz crystal is still the
leader when it comes phase noise.  Rubidium and Cesium are superior
in time keeping (long term stability), but have awful phase noise. 
These are the 'real' atomic clocks. The navy is the largest user 
of these.  No GPS under water! Regarding GPS, its timing is 
based on the Cesium clocks.

Back to the SDR. Since the crystal has the best phase noise we 
want to keep it. Long term drift, measured from hours to years, is 
dominated by temperature. Additionally, aging can cause 20Hz of 
drift per year at 10 MHz.  It's caused by a change in physical 
properties.  Trapped gasses escaping, contaminants, etc. 
Temperature varies physical properties such as thickness and area
of the quartz, which in turn varies the frequency.  

A 5ppm oscillator can drift 50Hz at 10MHz with a 10 degree F change 
in temperature! RTXO's (room temp xtal oscillators) range from 

The largest temperature change occurs at turn on, therefore you 
should wait an hour before performing a freq cal.  That's why I 
leave mine on all the time and have only seen a 2 Hz maximum change 
so far.  I'm sure those using high duty cycle modes with 100W SDRs 
will notice higher shifts.

Don't keep chasing your tail.  During transmission the SDR will warm 
up and the freq will drift in one direction and when you go back to 
receive the unit will cool and return to it's original frequency. So
don't keep recalibrating.

The sound card clock is hopefully derived from a crystal. 5ppm at 
48KHz yields 0.24Hz. Not much concern.

Other Options:

TXCO  The temperature compensated oscillator uses components external 
to the crystal to offset drift.  These parts (caps, inductors, 
thermistors) have opposite temperature coefficients. The TCXO typically
gives a 5X performance increase over the RTXO or 1 ppm.  10Hz drift at 
10MHz for a 10 degree change.

Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator.  In this case the oscillator is
placed in a temperature controlled box.  The temperature is maintained
at the crystal turnover point.  This is where the freq change vs. temp 
is smallest.  The best performance is about 20 degrees F above the
highest ambient. Typically 150 deg F.  The oven should be under power
at all times, if not the crystal temp will rise from room temp to 150F
at turn on. During warm up the freq could drift nearly 1KHz at 10MHz.
After warm up you can expect <5ppb. Or 0.05 Hz at 10 MHz for a 100F

Another idea is to take a 10MHz crystal and mount it onto a large piece
of metal and place it in an insulated box. The metal will slow the
temp variations as will the insulation.  If you mount it external to 
the SDR the PA temp variations won't effect freq stability.

As mentioned in other posts you can derive the reference from GPS. 
Don't overlook your friendly cell phone system.  CDMA cell phones have 
very critical timing requirements and are synchronized to Cesium 
sources. I try to keep it simple.  I'm always battling RF in this,
RF in that.  I don't plan to get the reference through another 

Sources of 10MHz oscillators are abundant, 99 percent of the RF test equipment 
manufactured in the last 30 years use 10MHz reference 
oscillators. Many are ovenized, almost all are in MW equipment. Surplus telecom 
equipment is another resource. I have picked up three ovenized oscillators on 
EBay for less than ten dollars each. 

Who said amateurs can't make a better radio?  Well I guess this was a 
little more than a comment on atomic time standards. :)


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