
Thank you for an excellent explanation of the two markers required.  I'll be 
back with the next question after I digest the information. 

What I need is an accurate measure of frequency in the AM broadcast band, 500 
to 1700 KHz, so I would think 1-10^7 is good enough for me.  It needs to be 
mobile, I can run it from my vehicle so the power requirement is trivial.  I 
can monitor GPS on the move, need it for navigation anyways.

Looks like my requirement has minimal intrusion into the SDR1000 box.  Just 
need the digital data and control for the marker freqs to the PC.  USB type 
link should work.  Stuff the signals into the QRP BNC.

The second requirement for the weak signal/microwave crowd use would be to get 
a lower phase noise source into the SDR1000.  Perhaps this would also be a good 
time to move to the new AD9950 series DDS as those specs seem to be a major 
improvement.  Lots to ponder.

Again, Thanks for your lesson.

73, Larry  K2LT
> From: Jim Lux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/01/02 Mon PM 02:45:09 WET

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