I’ve been a ham for just over a year.  I bought my SDR1000 a couple of months ago after struggling with an ICOM 706 with limited success. This morning I made my first international 40 meter RTTY contact with Japan, 7L1WII in Ibaraka.  The signal report was 599 and I’m running 100 watts from a home made wire loop lying on my roof.  I don’t think I could have done that with a 706 in five years with a beam at 100 feet. 


I’ve learned a lot in a very short time because of all the information that is out there on the reflector, the forum and the telephone support from Gerald and Eric.  Forgive me for sounding gushy, but I couldn’t help myself- the SDR is great!!! And “txs to u” all for a great experience.



Richard- KE5DLQ



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