Jim Lux wrote:
At 05:58 AM 1/19/2006, John Ackermann N8UR wrote:

Jim Lux wrote:

Of course... the SDR1000 does have an advantage because it's a very simple receiver with fewer stages to screw things up.

While the SDR-1000 can do a credible job on its own, I just want to reinforce that anyone with a signal generator that's locked to a decent reference, and a sound card, can measure to small fractions of a Hertz using the "delta reference" method I describe at http://www.febo.com/time-freq/fmt/technique.html. You don't need a lab full of expensive gear to do it.

Indeed..  The two accuracy limiting things in John's scheme that I see are:
1) Group delay variations across the band in the presence of any drift. If the unknown and the reference move across the passband, and there's some group delay ripple, the relative phase will change between the tones. If you're integrating for 10 seconds, a phase change of 360 degrees would be a 0.1 Hz error. THis might be an area where older receivers using a long string of tuned LC networks for selectivity would be at disadvantage (because each section flips the phase 180 over the passband, and they all add up). You also clearly don't want that exotic 10 Hz CW crystal filter in the circuit.

Yup. I normally use a fairly wide bandwidth; in fact, for the last test, I used the widest 3100Hz bandwidth in the 3586C selective level meter; good thing I did, too, as I mistuned on a broadcast hetrodyne on 40M, and only after the fact did I find W1AW 1kHz away, but still in the bandpass.

2) Uncertainty in the sampling clock of the audio card. I suppose that one can calculate this by measuring the frequency of the "known" reference at two frequencies. A lot of signal generators have a way to put an AM modulation on the signal with precisely controlled frequency, and that would give you two marks, say, 400 Hz apart, with which to calibrate the FFT box.

We've been around the soundcard clock issue several times on the list. An advantage of the delta reference method is that you don't care about the absolute frequency, only the delta between two closely spaced frequencies. So the clock error is applied to a smaller number (the delta between the two tones) and thus has less absolute impact than if you were measuring absolute frequency. My measurements of the Delta 44 card I use shows that its clock error is in the noise for this test.

Remember that frequency measurement in the HF range doesn't really require a super-accurate source -- 1x10e-8 gets you down to 0.1Hz at 10MHz. That level of accuracy can easily be met with a $100 surplus ovenized oscillator (like an HP 10811A or the older 10544), a GPS receiver, and a $100 surplus counter like the HP 5334 (my personal low-cost favorite)*. And that's assuming you're fairly fumble-fingered. With a bit of care, you can set to at least one, and maybe two, orders of magnitude better than that (though the aging rate will limit how long that accuracy holds).

The GPS receiver needs a 1pps output of some sort. (I tried this with a serial output only once, and while the timing of the messages was reasonably stable, it wasn't great: about 1ms uncertainty)

Yes, I should have said that. The good news is that there are lots of old Oncore receivers available for a pittance that will do the job.


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