I think it's a matter of proportionality.  Usually an
off topic post has a life span of a dozen messages or
less so who cares.  If it becomes a hundred messages
then perhaps you need to rethink, but for a dozen
messages who cares.  You might institute a convention
of listing [OT] before you post something about Xylo
and that way people could filter the contents.  You
could discuss this posting convention on the page that
happens before entry to the list.

What I would like most to see is some way to index and
search the titles and text and authors of the messages
from the website.  I'm forever remembering some
snippet I read on the list that I would like to
review, but I don't have a clue what title or even
what month that messages was posted under.  I read
this list from several computers and downloading a
file and indexing it myself would be cumbersome.  For
a slow list that solution might work, but for a list
with the volume of postings this list has it would be
very hard to keep current across several computers at
widely disparate locations.

73  Lee W9OY 

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