Sami Aintila wrote:

If the USB interface were built in the SDR-1000, then it would be a
good idea to have an EEPROM to store information. Not only a serial
number, but also configuration and calibration data for that
particular unit.

73, Sami OH2BFO

Serious thought should be given to this for the "SDR 2000". Bringing (especially) the PA data along is a major headache when upgrading. It also caused trouble for us in Belize where we switched rigs and had to recalibrate everything (and, there are multiple SDR owners in the world, too, so it isn't just the not-so-common DXpeditioning or contesting). The PA data actually goes with the hardware, so it ultimately ought to be stored with it.

In lieu of that, serious thought should be given to breaking out some of the more serious data separately. This "data base import" function seems eternally fragile. Perhaps the really critical data, especially including the PA amplifier settings, should be exported into XML or something. Maybe the critical "voltage" value for the sound card, too (especially useful for those that set it manually).

I've had enough trouble with the whole "what happens to the DB when I upgrade" thing that I never reuse one anyway. It always seems safest and best to re-run the wizard, but that means all the PA settings go in by hand (and, also, I suppose, equalizer settings and so on).

One cookie jar has always been a problem in software design. Too many eggs in one basket.

But, the stuff that's directly tied to the hardware (but variable, such as also the postive/negative indicator on the 144 MHz card) probably ought to be exported/imported separately, at least optionally, because it almost never would be changed once set and there's no point in organizing the world so that people end up doing so. Stuff that's more like personal taste (e.g. equalizer settings) might be left off of this, since the idea would be that this would be read in separately at upgrade time, not any old time.

Larry   WO0Z

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