Hi Gerald:

While you may have discussed Ham radio with somebody at ARRL, I too would
caution you regarding belief that you are exempt from FCC part 15
certification through a NRTL.  With some exemptions, computing devices and
their peripherals must meet such testing as generally do all devices
containing a microprocessor or microcontroller.  The fact that the DDS is a
digitally controlled device may qualify you.  The USB adapter, sold
separately, would be subject to part 15 certification.  You have the choice
regarding whether you certify under Class A or Class B based upon your
product definition as a consumer or industrial device, but these only apply
to unintentional radiators, like the USB accessory.  When your devices were
sold as kits, you were exempted under 15.23, but this exemption disappears
when you sell finished goods.  Part 97 likely does not absolve obligations
under part 15. The shrink wrap folks all certified under part 15 for these

Please feel free to contact me privately if you wish to discuss.  I'd hate
to see your company run afoul of the evil empire.

Lee Pedlow (リー ペドロ)
Systems Engineering
Sony Electronics, Inc.
San Diego, CA

(858) 942-2538



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