Hi friends

The CPU utilisation here (PowerSDR alone) has always been between 7 and 13 %. Associated with Ham radio Deluxe (what I always do), it is around 11-18 %. I see no increase over previous version.

By the way, the latest public HRD version - with Google Earth connexion is here http://www.hb9drv.ch/tmp/old/HRDv033b1019_Full.exe

73 - José F5JD

richard allen a écrit :

Tim and Norman,

I've tested previews 7, 9, 11, 12, and 14 on 40 m cw using a 3 GHz Pentium, delta44 audio, 256 sample audio buffer and 1024 sample dsp buffers. My cpu utilisation on versions after 7 is running between 4. 7 and 10.9 %. Version 7 is a bit higher at 7-12%. I see no increase with 14 over previous versions here. Anyone else comment?

Richard W5SXD

"Tim Ellison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(02/09/2006 20:27)

The CPU utilization on my system went from 3% with Preview 13 to 30%
with Preview 14.  All I did was import the database from 13 to 14 and
started listening to 41 meter shortwave.  I did re-run fftw_wisdom.exe
for Preview 14 as I do with all versions and it made no difference in
CPU utilization.

Tim Ellison <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Integrated Technical Services <http://www.itsco.com/> Apex, NC USA
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