Last year at Dayton, Eric2 and I had a long discussion
about a number of SDR issues including the future of
SDR and Linux. The SDR and Linux combination has been
on my mind for some time. 

Judging from the comments of the past couple of days
it looks like we are ready for an SDR Linux User
Group.  Most Linux user groups use an acronym ending
in LUG.  Software Defined Radio Linux User Group
contracts to SDRLUG, pronounced (if it doesn't sound
too much like a disaffected cadre of Apple users)
Cider Lug.

Among other possible activities, a user group could
make a big impact by:

Assisting anyone that would like to install the Debian
Linux distribution. 

Providing assistance to those that have any Linux
distribution up and running, are comfortable with it
and would like to install the TeamSpeak client, the
jsdr core or DttSP-Shell.

Developing utilities, installation packages and
documentation for the jsdr core and DttSP-Shell.

Giving encouragement and feedback to those who are
developing Linux applications.

Developing a self-installing suite of programs in a
live Linux distro (ala Knoppix and Harv's Hamshack)
that would include both application and development
software for the SDR-1000.  This could be on a  CD,
DVD or even an OS on a (memory) stick.

I am not a Linux Patriot.  I don't give a hoot about
the cathedral and the bazaar or the Evil Empire.  My
knowledge of the Linux OS has come the hard way.  Over
the past few years most Linux distributions have
become an easily installable, very stable, OS with an
avalanche of applications, libraries, development
software and utilities.  Linux is ready for prime

We have a “perfect storm” brewing in the ether that
includes increasingly capable digital electronics,
computer audio hardware, and DSP application software.
 There is no question that the Linux community offers
the widest range of tools for taking advantage of the
SDR opportunities in front of us.  For our purposes
the installed user base is irrelevant.  We want the
best available tools.

When we get together for the weekly Friday night
sessions on TeamSpeak, I do an informal survey of the
operating systems that everyone is using.  This can be
done by highlighting the user and clicking Get
Connection Info with a right-click menu.   Normally,
it is about 20% Linux, 5% Mac and 75% Windows 2000 or

OK.  So lets move ahead by getting together on
TeamSpeak next Tuesday evening at 10:00 pm EST.  For
those of us who are world time challenged that is 0300
UTC on Wednesday, February 22.  We will adjust our
times to accommodate everyone as we move forward.  
I'll serve as the “net control.”  If you want to
listen but aren't too excited about talking, just turn
off your microphone.  The session will be recorded,
edited slightly for dead space and posted as an MP3
for later download.

This for everyone.  It doesn't matter if you are
experienced, a noobie or just think the Penguin is

Bring your comments, questions and suggestions.  

This is a user group.

73 Dan N4XWE

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