Frank Brickle wrote:

Larry Loen wrote:

FlexRadio - Eric wrote:

I don't think there will be any significant performance hit due to using

Here we are, living in a regime where we can barely make CW paddling work as it is, and we want to burden our slowest path with this?

It would be more of a worry if the problem with CW were CPU load. It isn't.

Of course. It's all about latency. But, you reduce the general load and that helps latency. Even if it is at the margins. A CPU that is idle more often will service an interrupt faster than one that is busier.

It isn't just CW either. In fact, my comments there were a touch harsher there than I intended. I think the CW pathway, even the parallel port-based one, is a triumph. But, I don't want to see it burdened any more than necessary because it isn't perfect and cannot be. Windows is not a real time environment and neither is a typical Linux box.

Moreover, there are all sorts of other little glitches. The programming is very cleverly done. Most of them simply result in lost screen updates. But, there are other gliches that happen. I'd like as few of these as possible, please. These happen even at 35 per cent utilization on my P IV 2.4 GHz machine. If it happens there, it will certainly happen on lesser boxes.

Data representations, I've found, are far more immortal than code.

Indeed. That's why the update command structure for the DSP under Linux has been the way it is for something approaching two years.

If that's what's on offer, is there a spec I can read? Or a code module perhaps?

Right now the overhead associated with a single update command to the Linux DSP is a little under 3usec on a 1.2GHz machine. That number can already be trimmed by batching the updates. There are also three other critical spots in the update code that can be improved merely by changing the associated algorithms -- no change in the protocol -- but which have not been necessary yet. For example, the actual command dispatch uses a linear table lookup. Dumb but simple. If the command set grew much more, an obvious step is to replace the table lookup with a perfect hash. This is a detail. Knuth: "Premature optimization" etc. etc.

I'm already suffering, in the Windows box anyway, from something that appears to be a marvel of genius, but which does not appear to have any extra margin and seems to have many sundry latency problems at far under 100 per cent utilization. I would not have commented else, at least in regards to the "upper path".

The Linux DSP is perhaps encouraging, but do we know we can count on the same tradeoffs with the Windows version, which many of us use exclusively?

Compare that 3usec with the ~1msec delay associated with executing a *single* hardware command. That delay is imposed by the hardware. There's a lot of room between 1kHz and 333kHz before starting to get worried. In any practical sense you could already stream update commands over FireWire.

No doubt true, but you're asking me to believe the theory over what I so far actually experience with the equivalent of this whole XML thing bypassed. I'm already seeing various difficulties. You'll forgive me if I wonder if this analysis isn't a bit too comforting. If it were so easy, I'd be having a totally smooth experience today. I'm not.

But even then, in most uses I see, XML data flow does not dominate execution in the way this well might...

There are advantages to being able to exploit both DOM and SAX models. But in any case I don't think anybody is proposing to base the lowest levels of execution on SAX callbacks. The idea all along has been to provide a translation layer (which therefore is amenable to either DOM or SAX) producing command streams at the simpler lower protocol level.

Then I'm not clear on why we're bothering with the XML wrapper. If the command streams do the real work, why not just send and receive those? What else are we getting for our cycles with other stuff before that happens?

Furthermore it's been clear for at least two years that there is a tradeoff between control rates and human perceptual limits. When it comes to scrolling frequency, there is a ~20ms limit on how fast you can even control your muscles on the mousewheel, playing against a ~10ms threshold on how fast your ear can actually detect transient changes. There is *no point* in changing gross controls faster than that. Therefore the idea has been to apply, just as emacs does when updating a text window, a dynamic program to the control stream, on the fly, to optimize the data actually sent to the executing code and devices. The command structure can consume data a lot faster than you can control it. The job will be to thin the stream, not speed it up.

This implicitly assumes nothing else is going on. But, right now I have XCHAT running to get my DX spotting and my mail code going so I can type this letter. I have MixW2 running because I want the log function (but it does have a waterfall it's producing for me that I sometimes find useful). Of course I shouldn't have [EMAIL PROTECTED] or such things running, and I don't, but what I have running right now is actually going to be pretty typical. I do notice that when I do things like open an attachment or maybe move a window or at random other times that odd things happen to the SDR.

I think I'm being reasonably prudent. But, we can't quite assume a dedicated environment, either. Not if many, as I do, have the rig on all evening. Competition from other applications will mean the odd bit of unexpected latency. Our only escape is to control our consumption to leave as much margin as possible. Or, so I would have thought.

All I have to do to turn off the SDR audio is simply move this window (the one containing this e-mail) all around the screen. The audio shuts down. Maybe that makes your argument more than mine, who knows. All I know, it is all too easy, far short of 100 per cent CPU, to lose function on the radio as it stands. So, I look askance at arguments that tell me I don't have to worry about CPU being consumed. Even something as simple as preemption on a modern processor is not free. The cache has to be refetched every time. In modern computers, that's a lot more cycles than meets the eye.

The overhead gobbled up in parsing an XML control stream is lost in the noise. There is no foreseeable argument against XML that actually applies to this situation.

Presuming the lower box in the diagram is always a big time Windows or Linux PC, perhaps. What if it is an embedded device whose clock speed may well be lower to reduce power consumption?

I'm really sold on this SDR concept. I never want to deal with any other kind of radio. But, it needs to be lighter in every respect someday. Or, that's my dream. I love my SDR 1000, but I'd like to dispense with the sound card and its shaky cables. DXpeditioning with that is not as much fun as it could be. I'd like to take something QRPing up the trail somewhere or to the boundary waters to set up at night in camp. One that I can hook a minimal lapt to or even maybe a PDA like an iPAQ. I'm told the receiver, as it sits, consumes too much power for that to really work for that (someone correct me if that's wrong). To me, that bottom diagram has to be able to be ruthlessly simplified on the hardware side of it. That will mean, quite likely, processor technology with no added cycles in order to be kind to things like battery life and circuit board space.

Sorry, I'm not caught up to your argument yet. Not with my non-glitch free experience without this even in the path today.

What you have so far described still has XML as overkill, forgiven under the assumption that we have CPU to burn. If we're just controling the knobs and latches, then it's more than needs to be there and the benefit is unclear. If there is, on the other hand, function on offer that needs it, then we may well be "pricing" ourselves out of later boxes (whether done by Flex or Tony or Phil or someone else) that has a simple embedded controller that has no serious ability to take on a DOM or SOX level infrastructure because it doesn't even have DOS levels of functionality present and a host of other limits in terms of function and memory. In that case, I would suggest we need an added interface description that is the CAT-on-USB-serial-cable version on down, exposed. That way, the upper (now middle) layers you suggest need XML could be optionally absorbed by the PC and the simple control flow still moves down to some very simple hardware in ways that are well understood and well-proven.

If effect, we'd have three layers in the diagram, with the middle one absorbable by either the computer for the upper or lower layers. Or, maybe in a networked environment, all three.

Moreover, if there really could be an augmented CAT interface, a lot of 3rd party software might be usable, if not ideal, pretty much out of the box if the connection was neither USB or firewire, but ordinary RS-232 (or USB that translates to same). That's still an existing interface even if it does readmit audio wires into the discussion. Yet, for a lot of folks, that's an important need. For that exact application, the XML is just added overhead. And, we have lots of people doing that one right now.

Larry WO0Z

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