The example command line application (cmdr) expects alpha strings for
the parameters and runs it through a macro processor (m4) with the
definitions in enums.m4.

John g0orx/n6lyt
  John Melton
  x21708 (+44 1252 421708)

Jim Lux wrote:
> Most of the action routines in update.c do not check that the right number 
> of parameters were presented in the command.  What does the parser put into 
> the array of parameter strings if a parameter is missing? A null string?  I 
> assume that the library atof() handles a null string gracefully (return a 
> zero, for instance?), but is a zero a legal value for the action routine in 
> all cases?
> Example: say I issued the command setMode with no parameters.  setMode 
> would get called, and since n would be zero, it would fall through to the 
> else clause and both tx.mode and rx[RL].mode would get set to zero, which I 
> believe would map to LSB (although, really, you're depending on the 
> enumeration in defs.h)
>  From a down the road interface specification standpoint, explicit values 
> should be assigned in the enumeration for things like modes, and zero 
> probably shouldn't be a legal value.  One can't depend on the source of the 
> commands (which might be a process on a different computer, or written in a 
> different language, etc.) to have used the same defs.h AND the compiler to 
> have assigned enumerated values in the same order. (I can't recall if the 
> spec for the language specifies a default enumeration value sequence.  It 
> would be a convenience, and is sort of antithetical to the idea of "strong 
> typing" to actually depend on the numerical value of a enumerated type, 
> anyway.)
> I suppose that if we have some sort of more rigorous command parser (XML or 
> otherwise) it would translate between the "interface specification 
> representation of an enumerated value", e.g. a text string like USB, and 
> the internal representation, and since the parser would be compiled as part 
> of the dttsp code, then they would be using the same defs.h, and it would 
> all work.
> In any case, relying on variable and type declarations in .h files to 
> define the external interface specification is probably dicey.
> Jim
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