
Yesterday Jim made some observations about errors and error trapping in the update command processing in jsdr. This was coming sooner or later but, being very lazy, I wasn't going to do anything about it until somebody complained. If it ain't broke etc. However it *is* somewhat broke so it's time for a fix.

The problem is that the update command processor has some knowledge about whether a command is malformed, and it makes a feeble attempt to report that fact, but there's no way for that information actually to be communicated back to whoever issued the command.

Another fact not yet in evidence. For various reasons, stdin and stdout in jsdr are virginal. Everything that goes in or out, does so on a stream that's been opened explicitly.

What I'm proposing is to modify jsdr so updates are sent to stdin, and returns from update are sent to stdout. I should stress that this has *minimal* consequences for current designs. Whether networked or local, the only difference is in how jsdr is started up. It does open up a considerable range of possibilities beyond mere error reporting, however. For example, new commands can be constructed that return internal information about the DSP state, and so on.

Without belaboring the details, let me add that the return feature adds really nothing significant in the way of additional complications as far as remoting or networking are concerned, and it's easy enough to select on a command-by-command basis.



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