
The FlexRadio software offers a scaled output stepped from 1-100%.  We
do not have the fine control that would be necessary to set the 100W
output to say 10mW.  However, you CAN disable the PA (which disables the
ATU and bypasses it), and set the PWR slider from 1-100% of 1W (or
something close to it).  This is probably what you are going for.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -----Original Message-----
> radio.biz] On Behalf Of David Queen
> Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:30 PM
> To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
> Subject: [Flexradio] QRP on the 100w/auto tuner version
> I live in an Aprtment and think it would be better if I kept my power
> output
> low. Around a watt.
> This will make it a bit of more of a challenge making contacts but so
> it.
> How well does the 100w/auto tuner work as a QRP rig? Also I want to
> really low power out <less than a tenth  watt for example> will that
> easy
> enough to do?
> Thanks.
> --
> If you can read, thank a teacher.  If you can read in English., thank
> soldier.
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