If you are just playing the file back with an audio program that would play
back music and such, you are getting what you should. Try playing it back
with PowerSDR! What is recorded is the raw output from the receiver which is
normally tuned 11 KHz off from the center frequency and then mathematically
converted as you do the tuning. The 11 KHz shift is sometimes referred to as
the IF frequency but its not quite that, more there to get any major spurs
from 60Hz pickup off the normal spectrum screen. 
73 - Mike WA8BXN
-------Original Message-------
From: Bill Nagle
Date: 03/08/06 12:56:42
To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] wav file recording
When recording an AM signal on the sdr wave recorder, it plays back
through the speakers properly but the transmitted playback sounds like it is
off frequency by 11 kc or so. All you hear are the edges of the recorded
and what sounds like frequencies on one side of it.
Anyone else hear this in previews 15 and svn 16 ?
Bill Nagle
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