You are right, Stan, anyone can start a group on Yahoo concerning the SDR and FlexRadio. However, when I want official information concerning the SDR I would much prefer to obtain it from a site or reflector owned and maintained by FlexRadio. The original forum at the flex website was great because all of the information was located in one place. Now we have a reflector that accomplishes much. The forum can be expanded if need be. The bug documenter and feature request site is good but is another place to have to go check.
Dale AA5XE

Stan wrote:

I had no idea we lived in a closed communist society where we have one group (the elite) dictating to the others (the surfs) what someone can and cannot do. I am sure the owner of the yahoo group paid for his radio just like everyone else and I would think it entitles him to have some choices (if this is still America). If his choice is to start a yahoo group so be it! Why is there always a group that wants things their way? Someone else has an idea, so he goes for it, if he fails - HE FAILS! - if he succeeds? GREAT! For those of you who dont want a yahoo group, get out of the way and let the man try his idea!


On Sunday 12 March 2006 12:52 pm, John Basilotto wrote:
Something to think about....

There has been less than 10 "NO" posts in the last 48 hours. I've had over
30 conversations over the last few months with people who don't use the
reflector because they are intimidated by the highly technical content of
the posts on our reflector.  A synthesis of their comments is "...[they
are] simply operators and not really interested in writing or even knowing
about software."

Despite numerous posts by others that they are welcome here, has not
changed their mind.
It's possible to have Yahoo posts vectored here but some think that doing
so would open the Spam floodgate. I belong to three Yahoo discussion
groups; I get virtually no Spam because I use a Spam blocker.

The below post is what served as the catalyst in starting a Yahoo users
groups. Yahoo may not be the answer, but one thing is certain, the current
Reflect does not appear to meet the needs of the typical ham-a person who
just likes to get on his radio and talk to others.  These folks may very
well be the dominant group of SDR1000 user in the future.

Original post.
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2006 7:42 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Excuse my ignorance but...

I've been reading the mail here for a while before deciding to buy the
SDR1K, and one thing puzzles me.
There is virtually no discussion on actual use of the radio, by that I
mean do any of you operate on air ?
All discussion is software related, which is after all what defines the
radio, but as someone who is a radio operator first, and antenna
experimenter second and computer literate about 15th on the list, there
is little to help someone like myself understand the operation of the
This isn't a negative comment as I'm sure this list is probably one at
the cutting edge of ham radio technology, but rather a request for
someone to post about actual use once in a while then I might understand
more than the 5% I do at present !!
Or is there another list that covers my queries ?
I suppose if I bought the SDR1K then I would learn as I went along, I'm
just concerned there may be too much to learn to actually use the radio
Keep up the good work, but remember not every Ham is a computer genius.
Some of us just like to operate the radio !!
73 de Keith  VK6XH

John P. Basilotto
Marketing and Product Manager
FlexRadio Systems
Office 512-250-8595
Mobile 512-663-6727

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Robert Rennick
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 4:11 PM
To: richard allen
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Announcing the new SDR1K Operating
andUseDiscussionGroup on Yahoo

I also vote no.
Still trying to figure out how to use the bug list!
Bob K1OC
----- Original Message -----
From: "richard allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dale Richardson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Announcing the new SDR1K Operating
andUseDiscussion Group on Yahoo

Another NO vote for Yahoo.   In fact, while the buglist and new
feature request may be a good thing for formalising those two streams
for the developers, I've not seen any comments here on entries made
into those two lists.  That was one of the good things about having
bugs and feature requests come thru the reflector.  Everybody got to
see them and comment on them.  Of course, that was one of the reasons
for removing them, the bugs at least.  It was said that they were too
public and scared new guys away.  One of the main purposes of the
sdr1000 was to make an open radio and not one that was afraid to have
its internals exposed.  The exposure has always created more
discussion and that has been more important, in my opinion, than
worrying about scaring folks away.

Richard W5SXD

Dale Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(03/12/2006 15:15)

I also say NO to Yahoo. We have enough lists and forums as already
noted. I much prefer this list and the flex-radio forum over anything
Yahoo has. Seems like a duplication of effort to me.
Dale AA5XE

Philip Covington wrote:
On 3/12/06, KD5NWA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please let us not split the group, besides there are some
disadvantages to using Yahoo. Storage space for files and pictures
for a group is very limited. You constantly have to delete the older
stuff to make room for the new.

At 11:07 AM 3/12/2006, you wrote:
I agree.  It seems to me that between this mailing list and the Flex
Radio forum (as well as the forum on that the current
resources available are more than adequate.

73 de Phil N8VB

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Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a moment 
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