The way one does a "tag" is SVN is to copy, within the repository, the
whole tree at the moment of release into a release-labeled directory in
the tags branch of the repository, which is usually a sibling of the
trunk directory. That way, there is a full tree labeled by the directory

    /<code tree>   
      /<release copy of code tree>

DON'T PANIC. SVN copies are extremely shallow. Since every change to the
repository results in an increment of the "serial number" for the
_whole_ repository, all the above copy really does is copy the "serial
number" of the repository into the tag subdirectory. It makes it very
convenient and inexpensive to tag things.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Lux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 4:22 PM
To: N3EVL;
Subject: [Flexradio] SVN tags was Re: Preview 18 is Released

At 03:13 PM 3/18/2006, N3EVL wrote:
>I'm not an expert on such matters, but I believe SVN can assist here if
>code is tagged at the time of a new release.  This should permit later
>retrieval of all of the modules corresponding to a particular tag, say

That's exactly the sort of thing I was wondering about.  As you say, CVS

has a way to relate internal codebase revision number to "External
version number".

Especially as the split between UI and dsp backend proceeds, one might 
(should) want to build a v X.5 UI to test against a v Y.4 DSP, etc.

Currently, the entire source tree is treated as a giant mass with
numbers" assigned to each checkin.

I can see the serial numbers rapidly becoming useless by themselves.

>I'm not too familiar with SVN (yet) - we were using CVS at work and
>migrated to Perforce but based on SVN's CVS heritage I'd expect it to
>similar.  I'll check with our cvs guru on Monday and see if tagging
>help in this respect.  I found this SVN link which looks interesting:
>Under chapter 4 there is a section on tags.

That looks exactly like what I was thinking of...

As the author said, "After all, it's not so easy to remember that 
release-1.0 of a piece of software is a particular subdirectory of


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