
I've observed this kind of behavior as well when using CW. It's been going on for months and I've been slowly tracking it down. It seems related to the use of the ATU and may be related to the ATU not finding a suitable setting for the impedance match in a high SWR condition. When I use the bypass mode and go around the ATU, things operate normally. To escape from this condition I simply go into standby and then back into the On position. I've also observed some readings on the forward and reflected power when driving an antenna that don't agree with readings taking using an HP vector network analyzer. The SDR reflected power reading was very low but the HP VNA showed something higher. Also, an experiment with two different antennas with similar SWR as read by VNA gave different forward power outputs. I haven't checked forward power when driving the two antennas with an inline power meter. A possible explanation is a SWR bridge that is sensitive to common mode on the feedline; another possibility is the SWR bridge directionality. At this point, I cannot say for sure what is happening.

I am a new owner as well. I am just setting up for transmitting SSB. I
noticed that sometimes when I key MOX then transmit and then deselect MOX
the receiver noise floor goes down -- I can't hear anything. I have to
restart SDR1K to get it out of this mode. Any ideas?

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