
You can turn the gain on Mon down until you can't hear it. Setup/transmit/TXAF. Set to "0." I also use an external keyer and it works well, without having to listen to the TXAF Monitor. I don't understand the part of losing the first part your first character of your CW. Without a scope to see what the wave form is, I can hit "dit" on my electronic keyer at 25 WPM, and it is transmitted. I normally transmit CW at 40 watts. I keep the semi-breakin set at 1100 ms as I can hear between words, and it keeps from trying to be a QSK rig.

73,  Chas, W1CG

At 08:56 AM 4/9/2006, Mark Amos wrote:

I have searched high and low and can't find a way to keep "MON" from coming
on when I transmit CW.  I use an external keyer and listen to its sidetone
(because I just can't listen behind my sending...)

What am I missing?

Also, I'd like to be able to avoid the first character of my CW being
chopped.  It only happens when X2 sequencing is turned on.  So, the obvious
answer is turning off X2 sequencing.  I don't often need the amp, because
100 watts is usually fine, but it would be nice to turn the buffering delays
into an advantage in this case...

What am I missing?

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