Hi all,


I've a question about the connections for keying my linear. I understand the
concept of open collector, it's limitations (current, voltage breakdown
etc.) and have used this approach to switch my linear before. However, the
protection diode thing is confusing me. Usually I would connect a diode
across the relay coil to prevent back emf problems when de-energisjng the
relay coil. So what does the "connect the protection diode to the relay
positive supply" comment mean? I don't want to hack my linear open to get to
the relay +ve supply.


It may be me but don't think the manual is clear on how to establish the
interface. Am I better off using an external opto isolator or do I just
connect everything up assuming the relay in the linear doesn't draw too much
current (switches OK with my K2)



Paul M1PAF

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