At 08:46 AM 4/11/2006, Bruce K3CMZ wrote:
 While trying to teach myself something about this C Stuff,
I was digging into the Code 'console.cs' and 'setup.cs'

Are you looking at the raw code, or have you loaded up Microsoft's C-sharp environment?

If you load it in the environment, the tools help organize a lot of it.
In particular, all the form handling code is mostly autogenerated by the environment.

I noticed that these files were quite large:
 setup.cs is 17276 lines of code and 361 pages
 console.cs is 18488 lines and 399 pages
 for a total of over thirty five thousand lines of code!

Question: How do you C Guys find your way around this?
                    Is there a index? or prehaps a file that list the
                    fuctions? I can search, but I don't know what
                    to search for!

AnyHow ;  Hope all of you have a happy Holiday
 We are going to do both Easter and Passover here.

 Thanks Much
    Bruce K3CMZ

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