Dear Dr. Harold, check with EricW at Flex (Expert!!), he can give you a list of some really great things to do to your system to quiet it down and provide some more cycles for your PowerSDR Console. For example: (1) go to Settings --> Control Panel --> System --> Advanced and make sure that you have turned *OFF* all visual effects
(2) make sure that you are giving programs priority
(3) make sure that you are using a *FIXED* paging file size and *NOT* allowing the O/S to manage the paging space
(4) you turned *OFF* all system sounds
(5) you have turned *OFF* all O/S upgrades and checking for upgrades
(6) you have turned off your virus checker and it's auto update
(7) did you turn off *ALL* Email and Browsing?
(8) Have you gone into your BIOS and selected "Maximum performance" or something like that? (9) did you make sure that *NONE* of your CDROM drives are checking periodically for their auto-start of media files? (10) have you used the System utility msconfig to make sure you are not starting un-necessary programs or utilities (firewall, virus checker, palm pilot synch, MSN Mail notification, Acrobat AcroRead, Windows Defender, SpyBot, and so on?) none of them are needed when you are operating your SDR-1000. You should have a separate profile that starts those services when you are on the net. (11) you can go into Settings --> Control Panel --> Add Remove Programs and remove everything you aren't using with the Console. Go into the Windows area and REMOVE all that NetBios crap, all file and print sharing, MSN Messenger, + anything that is extraneous. (12) turn *OFF* system restore, because you aren't making any changes to the O/S. (13) Do you possibly have any of this running in the background? what does it show if you use CTRL+ALT+DEL and choose PROCESSES? what do you see? take a screen dump and send it to Eric for advice and analysis.

(14) through (99) to be added by the Experts out there please!!

Here is a guy (PhD Biologist) who figured out how to strip XP down to bare bones and make it fit into about 150MB. His solution might be too severe for the PowerSDR Console, but it is worth a shot?

I am sure you already know this stuff. Please keep us informed about what works and what doesn't.
all the best,
de ken n9vv

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