Hi Brian,

Welcome to this most interesting adventure. I am glad to have you aboard. This is one journey where the trip is everything since no one knows where we are going. Enjoy.


Tom   W0IVJ

Brian Sherrod wrote:

Hello All,

I am a new member of this reflector and soon to be a new SDR-1000 owner when the unit arrives. I have been completely out of radio for about 5 years and decided to come back in with a totally new (to me) technology. Being a collector of vintage gear for many years, this will be an interesting turn for me, however I am not new to computers as that is where my profession lies.

Anyway, I just wanted to drop a note to the group and say hello! I live on 30 acres north of Vilonia Arkansas. Hope to work many of you in the near future on HF or VHF and above. I operate mainly SSB, AM, and CW. Have done some digital in the past, but not much. Also interested in radio astronomy, in particular Solar and Jovian noise bursts in the area of 20MHz. I think the SDR1K will really be handy for this application.

I should have my SDR1K w/D44 in a few weeks, and if there are any hints or things I should avoid on start-up, I would sure appreciate hearing from you. Of course I have been reading the manual over and over.

Brian / W5AMI


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